Ride On Scrubber Dryer Coral 65 M II – Made in Italy
Product Technical Data
- Squeegee width: 860 mm
- Brushes motor: 2×350 Watt
- Motion system: Automatic
- Maximum gradient: 10%
- Suction motor: 580 Watt
- Suction vacuum: 160 mbar
- Machine dimensions: L: 1513 mm W: 750 mm H: 1320 mm
- Machine weight w/o battery: 230 kg
- Traction motor: 600 Watt
- Movement speed: 5 km/h
- Battery compartment: L: 520 mm W: 415 mm
- Class: III
- Protection level: IP 23
- Loudness: <70 dB (A)
- Please Refer to Product Images, Product Video & Product Technical Data Sheet For More Information.
Ride-on scrubbing machine, compact and very handy, with two counter-rotating brushes and a working width of 65 cm. The squeegee, even if it is very short, guarantees perfect drying results in any situation. The tough polyethylene tanks have a capacity of 100 litres detergent solution. This 24V model can be equipped with a battery pack of maximum 240Ah(5), assuring a working autonomy of about 4 hours. Ergonomic guiding place, with pressure-digital controls and display, that signals the battery type and its charge level, the value of the set pressure for the brushes base group and the total working hours.